In this post I try to, with less than stellar success it turns out, unpack how surprise is represented in the formalism of AIF.
A segway into information theory
Information theory may be useful for understanding active inference. As a minimum it offers some alternative perspectives on the quantities used in the active inference theory such as surprise, KL divergence, and entropy. This post provides a very short introduction to information theory.
A deeper look at perceptual inference
In this post we will take a deeper look at how, according to the active inference theory, the brain interprets what it observes.
A saying
A piece of old but current wisdom from Hávamál.
Surrounded by idiots?
Bevor Sie bei sich selbst eine schwere Depression oder Antriebsschwäche diagnostizieren, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie nicht komplett von Arschlöchern umgeben sind.
Four Yorkshiremen
We must either live a little more like the hunter-gatherers or reprogram our genes. Reprogramming genes is still a risky proposition so our only option today is to change our lifestyle.
Axioms of psychiatry
Mental illness is on the rise. Care is lagging and based on false premises.
Nation-level self-harm
On open debate versus the right not to be offended.
We are failing the mentally ill
Why is the healthcare system failing the mentally ill?
What is normal?
What is considered normal depends on the cultural context.